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Africa is waiting for you

You must have read a number of articles about Africa as a continent of troubles. You must have realised that Africa has a leadership problem, and her people are not always willing to obey the law. You must have been told that being in Africa being in darkness. You must be aware that Africa is one of the continents where people value foreign lands more than their own due to a lack of work opportunities. You must have received a deluge of information indicating that Africa is unlikely to succeed in the same way that other continents have.

We can certainly state that if you rely just on information provided by one-sided global media, you are going to lose out on a lot about Africa, particularly the creation and capture of values from her varied needs. You should be aware of this. The African consumer market is expanding, with estimated annual private consumption of $1.4 trillion in 2015 and a projected $2.1 trillion by 2025. Discretionary income is also rising, with 70% of African households projected to have it by 2025. Business consumption is also rising, with a projected yearly total of $3.5 trillion by 2025. Agriculture contributes significantly to the region’s GDP, with 60% of the population working or owning small farms. Africa may increase crop production by raising farmer yields and lowering post-harvest losses. The continent also boasts abundant natural resources.

Beyond 2025, Africa will remain a land of potential. Africa’s natural riches are unlikely to run out very soon. Africa will remain a desirable destination due to the abundance of opportunities and the collective culture of making things happen through a combination of indigenous and Western expertise. You need to visit Africa. You must experience Africa in your lifetime. 

Susa Africa awaits your arrival. Before that, continue to explore our platform for narratives that will assist you in making key decisions. Contact us if the cloud appears to be blurry.

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