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Skill Gap in Africa: A Limitation of Early Childhood Development

Innovation, technological advancements, and societal transformation have never been highly desired or projected as we are currently witnessing in the Global world. Every region of the world desires better ways of living; the corporate society desires fast and safe ways of doing things and all these desires are shoulders on creative minds, who through devices means can birth such innovations and technological advancement that will be leading to societal transformation. The degree of innovation, technological advancements, and societal transformation any region of the world will be able to witness is subject to the degree of creative minds available to pioneer such a level of newness in the way of doing things in society.

Africa has over time been characterized by too little or no discovery in issues of innovation, technological advancements, and things of societal transformation. This is made clear on our path, through underutilization of our abundant natural resources, dependence on foreign goods and services, and low human capital development. These things keep getting worse with increased flooding issues, poverty, and unemployment across Africa.

Could it be that Africa is not destined for such a level of Innovation, and Technological Advancements that can sponsor Societal Transformation in and beyond Africa?


What could be the missing link for many African countries in sponsoring, Innovation and Technological Advancements for Societal Transformation in and beyond Africa?

Africa, like every other nation of the world, can fuel and lead advancement in Science, Technology, Engineering, Medical, Agriculture, and every other area that makes for Societal transformation, if and only we choose to give priority to “What matters most on the subject of National Skill Development in Africa.” Africa will attain the needed creativity and technological achievements, desired if we make human capital development a top priority in Africa. Country only advances to the competent level of its people.

Africa must also realize that human capital development is simply making room for national skill development, which is not a one-time empowerment initiative as it’s widely practiced in many African regions but realizing that research and development, early childhood cognition, and different initiatives are what makes up the journey of any nation toward human capital development.

Understanding the roles and the limitations of Early Childhood Development to Africa lagging in spearheading, Innovation and Technological Advancement needed for societal transformation

The subject of early childhood development recognizes that a prosperous and sustainable society is built on the development of children, especially from birth to age five. Early childhood development (ECD) is the cornerstone for the emotional, social, cognitive, and linguistic growth of children that will serve as the framework for success in the classroom, workplace, and community. Children in Jamaica who had access to early childhood support programs during their first two years of life were found to earn pay that was 25% greater than children who did not receive such assistance when they reached adulthood.

The quality of early childhood development goes a long way to determining what will eventually be before any society in terms of spearheading, innovation and technological advancements in society. “Early childhood development programs for children also predict whether they will engage in criminal activity as adults. Early deficiencies in nutrition, cognition, language, motor, and socio-emotional development make children less likely to learn in school and more likely to engage in risky behavior that leads to early pregnancy, school dropout, and violence in adolescence, as well as a lower likelihood of growing up to be successful adults.”

For any nation to develop or experiences positive growth such as having strong human capital development it has to undergo a journey of building a national skill development program that must also start from early childhood development to adulthood and not a one-time empowerment initiative as it’s widely practiced in many African countries.

The subject of early childhood development is crucial to the national skill development of any nation. The setback of African nations on leading innovations and technological advancement in society today is a function of poor or little concern for early childhood development programs in Africa. More than one-third of stunted children under the age of five lived in Africa as of 2017, with Sub-Saharan Africa having the highest prevalence rate of 33.9% of stunted children in the world.

The lack of quality early childhood development for many African children had already set a limitation in birthing, innovation and technological advancement in Africa as the needed nutrition, cognition and socioeconomic development needed for the foundation of children to become creative minds in the future are already out of place. The adult population in Africa faces a malnutrition problem of 9.9%.

To see better economic outcomes, the African government must get past the issues of publishing different policies on early childhood development and instead focus on proper actions and implementation plans. Even though many African nations have national or drafted early childhood development strategies, none of them are on track to fulfill the target goal for anemia in women of reproductive age, low birth weight, high diabetes, and high adult obesity.

The early childhood development program for children across Africa must be heavily prioritized, funded, implemented, accounted and also guided by the Early Year Approach to Child Well-Being and the Role of Public Policy as presented by the Inter-American Development Bank, if Africa is to be a breeding ground for innovation and technological advancements in the world.

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