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UN Global Compact’s Young SDG Innovators Programme 2020/2021 for Young Professionals

Application Deadline: November 2020

The Young SDG Innovators Programme is an opportunity for participating companies of the UN Global Compact to identify young talent within their organizations to collaborate and accelerate business innovation towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This ten-month accelerator programme activates future business leaders and changemakers to develop and drive innovative solutions through new technologies, initiatives, and business models and deliver on their company’s sustainability objectives.

The Young SDG Innovators Programme is designed to engage your company’s brightest and best talent in not only advancing your sustainability efforts but driving innovation and delivering tangible solutions with potential market value for your company.


During this nine-month accelerator programme, select young professionals (“Innovators”) from UN Global Compact participating companies will:
• Connect to enterprising young professionals in country and from around the world to leverage the Sustainable Development Goals as a catalyst for the development of new products and services relevant to their business.
• Collaborate with thought leaders in a series of team exercises and interactive learning opportunities involving real-world challenges, peer feedback and sparring, and mentoring and coaching.
• Build organizational learning skills that will enable employees across different functions to develop innovative solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through new technologies, initiatives and business models

Eligibility Requirements

  • High-performing employees at a participating company of the UN Global Compact
  • 35 years or younger
  • Interest in business model innovation, sustainability and disruptive technologies

• Learning and development resources.
A comprehensive curriculum with a blend of learning opportunities including online and in-person workshops, case studies, company visits and forum discussions.
• Professional experience. Connect with other business units and collaborate on innovative projects relative to the company
and industry.
• Coaching, mentoring and peer-to-peer networking opportunities. Build working relationships and learn from some of the
brightest minds working on sustainability and innovation from around the world.
• Be part of a global network of leading young professionals from some of the top companies across every continent.

• Accelerate integration of the SDGs into your company’s business strategy through collaboration, innovation and knowledge sharing.
• Create a culture of innovation to address the SDGs and showcase the programme’s tangible outputs and results.
• Increase employee engagement and professional development opportunities for valued talent, including:
» High-quality, cutting-edge and inspirational workshops from thought-leaders in the sustainability and disruptive technology fields.
» Opportunities to provide mentorship and leadership in the programme, collaborate with innovation experts, and share best practices.
» Tools, resources and expertise by some of the leading innovative companies.
• Gain global recognition for participation in the programme.

Companies must be confirmed to participate in the programme before nominating individual young professionals to join. If you are a young professional interested in the programme, please talk to your company’s UN Global Compact contact to see how your company can sign up and join the programme.

• Call for nominations:July 2020 – November 2020
• Programme begins: January 2021
• Programme ends: October 2021
*Companies must be located in one of the following countries to be eligible: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, India, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.


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