Closing date for abstract submissions is the 7th August 2020
ACDI’s Annual Early Career Researcher Conference will take place online from 5 – 7 October 2020. This year the theme of the conference is “What does climate change mean for development in Africa?”
Keen to get your research out there? Then submit your abstract! ACDI are calling all Masters and PhD students, recent graduates and Postdocs to submit abstracts for virtual presentations. This year we are also accepting abstracts that tell a story about how COVID-19 affected your research plans.
Since the program will be online this year; ACDI will able to accept abstracts from across the ARUA-CD! Students, graduates and Postdocs from across South Africa, Ghana and Kenya are welcome to submit an abstract and ‘attend’ this virtual event.
About ACDI
The African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI) was established in 2011 by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Cape Town as a strategic initiative, to “facilitate and substantially extend climate change research and education at UCT with the specific context of addressing the development challenges of Africa from an African perspective”.
ACDI surpassed this initial mandate and achieved formal status as a university institute in 2018. Simultaneously, the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) awarded ‘Centre of Excellence’ (CoE) status for ‘Climate and Development’ to ACDI alongside partners at the Universities of Nairobi and Ghana. Viewed as one of the continent’s foremost climate change institutes, ACDI provides a platform for UCT’s and ARUA’s collective response to the challenge of climate change by coordinating and centralising resources to enable inter- and transdisciplinary research, teaching and learning in the areas of climate change and sustainable development across Africa and beyond.
Visit Official Website Here.
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