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International Support Network for African Development (ISNAD) Environmental Education Programme (EEP) 2020

Application Deadline: Friday April 18, 2020.

The International Support Network for African Development (ISNAD-Africa) is a youth-led pan-African initiative that is committed to raising global and multi-stakeholder support for clean energy transition and climate resilience Africa through a multidisciplinary network of various stakeholders active in sustainable energy, environment, and climate change fields across the globe.

The programme seeks to provide youth with action competences that will enable them to develop capacity and long-term commitment to sustainability for everyday life, career engagement or voluntary service as environmentalists or influencers for the environment at the local and international levels.

The 2020 edition of the Environmental Education Programme will be implemented with the support of the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), Washington DC, USA.


i.) Each secondary school will be represented by a team comprising a minimum of 5 students and a coordinating teacher. (more students and teachers are allowed depending on the nature of their project)

ii.) Each team is required to identify environmental challenges and needs in their communities covering resilient communities, low-carbon economies, and/or healthy ecosystems in their localities and propose an idea of how they could address the challenge or meet the need.

a.) Resilient communities:  This comprises of project ideas that are focused on building and rethinking current infrastructure and support to build community resilience to environmental, social, and economic changes. Such projects will be aimed at mitigate the effects of climate change. This priority area can include, but is not limited to, projects related to climate action and adaption, sustainable food systems, and access to green spaces

To inspire your thoughts, see examples of projects on resilient communities here. (Please note that the projects exemplified here are not to be duplicated in your submission, they are only to inspire your thoughts. Projects that will be selected for the programme must be innovative and address a challenge or need in your context.

b.) Low-carbon economies: This covers projects that employs new and innovative approaches to reduce carbon output and meet energy needs in view of building a sustainable future. This priority area can include, but is not limited to, projects related to the circular economy, recycling, reducing and reusing, and energy efficiency.


Each selected team will receive:
i. Support from international experts as Technical Advisors to refine and implement their project through top-notch mentorship

ii. Capacity development through critical thinking, hands-on project implementation, high-touch mentorship, online webinar presentation and training

iii. Up to USD 500 funding for the implementation of your project idea for all selected teams

iv. Certificate of participation from ISNAD-Africa (Nigeria), NAAEE (USA), among other partners

v. Monetary prizes will be awarded to the teams with the top three innovative and impactful project with cash incentive for coordinating teachers
vi. Leverage on the global visibility and publicity of ISNAD-Africa, NAAEE and GEEP to promote their schools

Application Procedure

Qualified and Interested teams are invited to complete the online application.

Please download the budget template for your project. Complete it and submit it as a PDF document during the application process.

Deadline for applications: Friday April 18, 2020. (Given the COVID19 pandemic, we encourage student teams to come work up with their ideas remotely, where possible, however, the deadline will be extended as the challenges posed by COVID19 wanes).

For inquiries, please contact us via


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